When people take out loans they get the Federal Truth in Lending paperwork.. do they read it or understand it? I think people need a dose of truth before they step foot into the bank. I understand that banks need to make money but I think some of the current advertising slogans have gotten out of hand.
My favorite is "unlock the equity in your home". Oh no. My money is in jail. I gotta bail it out and... spend it. After all it is my money!
This isn't really your money.. You borrowed it to buy your home. So a better way to describe these loans is..
- "The Postpone your retirement loan"
- "The Pillage your nest egg loan"
- "The give the house back loan. Renter for life!"
Yeah. I don't think the banks like those loans names. People really like to look at equity as their money. Mine mine mine!.. This is how the government is going to kill social security. Eventually a large enough portion of the population will be dumb enough to say. Don't put "MY" money in to social security.. I want it back, I can manage it myself and get better returns.
Some people can but the majority of the people will just spend it. So much for retirement. ;-)