I occasionally find myself setting the wrong date on my camera and ending up with 100s of pictures that need the dates edited on them. In the past I made these changes with programs that made me edit the dates one picture at a time. I want to set the year ahead or the hour back on 100s of pictures all at once.
JHead to the rescue! Just today I discovered that I needed to set the date back on 100 pictures that I had taken since daylight savings time. With jhead I just stuck the pictures with bad dates in a folder and ran
jhead -ta-1 *jpg
then I changed the actual timestamps on the files to match the EXIF data with
jhead -ft *.jpg
Now that my pictures had the correct hour I was hoping to see my pictures and my daughters in order in picasa. For example. The picture of Maia taking a picture of a boat should be followed by the picture of the boat.
It wasn't! Turns out her camera was 5 minutes ahead of mine. With jhead this is not an issue.
jhead -ta-0:05 HP*jpg
jhead -ft HP*jpg
This moved the time on all her HP pictures back 5 minutes.
Now the pictures are in order and I'm happy. ya. I'm just a little anal.
Here is my picture
Here is what Maia got
More jhead notes are on my wiki