Mar 27, 2006
Published by Tony Primerano
Another distraction on my way to school (in addition to the ditch) in the mornings was the occasional loose dog. There was one house on the way to school with a particularly mean dog. One day it got loose and came after me. (I was probably in the 4th grade)
Dog grabbed my sleeve and started pulling and biting at my jacket. A car passing by saw me walking to school with this dog attached to my sleeve and told me to "get in the car!". I told the lady (probably a teacher from the school) that I couldn't get into a car with a stranger and I continued walking. Eventually, the dog lost interest and left me alone. I think he ripped my jacket pretty badly but I was basically unharmed.
Mar 27, 2006
Published by Tony Primerano
As a child I walked to Elementary school from 1st to 5th grade. It didn't matter the weather, I never took the bus. It was about 1/2 a mile through our neighborhood.
One of the distractions on the way to school was a ditch about 10 feet wide and 50 feet long that always had standing water in it. In the summer it would be full of tadpoles and in the winter it would freeze over. It was only about 18 inches deep and if you broke through the ice you just got out and went to school wet. I fell though a few times.
One winter day, I was walking to school and there was a kid standing in the ditch up to his knees crying. "Get my mommy, get my mommy". At the time I was in 4th grade and he was in 5th. I wasn't going to get his mommy, i didn't even know where he lived. I told him to get out but he just kept crying. I continued on my way to school leaving him there to cry it out.
As a child I just considered the kid a cry baby but now that I have kids of my own I have thought more about what makes one kid pull himself out of the water and another stand there helplessly. I suspect the kid who was calling for his mommy had a very loving mother that was always there for him. Possibly an only child. I was one of 4 so obviously my mother wasn't overly available and thus you end up with very independent kids.
Mar 27, 2006
Published by Tony Primerano
My oldest memory is from when I was 4 years old and I'm not sure if I remember is as much as remembering it as my oldest memory when I was a kid.
Our driveway was poorly done and where the car tires parked the asphalt was indented. The indentations would fill with water after it rained and I remember playing in one with toilet plunger. Ah the simple pleasures of being a child.
Its a shame we didn't have digital cameras back then. I take about 150 pictures a month of my kids. It will be neat to show them to them when their older and see if they remember any of them. I don't think my parents took 150 pictures in 2 years. :-)
Mar 27, 2006
Published by Tony Primerano
Its strange what memories our memory holds onto.
I remember being about 13 and I was throwing snowballs at/with my friends. At one point we were about 10 feet apart and we threw at the same time. The snowballs collided and disintegrated midway between us. Of course at the time we only had a second to ponder the coolness of what just happened. We needed to grab another snowball to chuck at each other ASAP. ;-)
But some 20 years later I still remember that moment (although I don't recall which one of my friend's was throwing the other snowball )
Mar 15, 2006
Published by Tony Primerano
I normally keep my caffeine intake to a minimum (i don't drink coffee) but due to big code drops at work I just had a cup of coffee with hot chocolate mix instead of cream/sugar.. It was pretty yummy and now I'm wired. :-D
Mar 12, 2006
Published by Tony Primerano
We've been having some great weather in MD the past 3 days. I put away the snow shovels which pretty much guarantees its going to snow again. The girls got to spend several hours outside this weekend (F-Sun for them).
Feb 28, 2006
Published by Tony Primerano
Just returned from a long weekend in Florida (Cocoa Beach). The weather was cooler than I would have liked but the kids are immune to the cold. It was nice family weekend as we stayed with my Father and 2 of my sister.
Feb 20, 2006
Published by Tony Primerano
It's Presidents Day so we're all home today. Its been a COLD weekend and for the 2nd week in a row we had a party on Saturday that was canceled due to sick kids. Fortunately it wasn't our kids either week.